Australia vs Vietnam
Salary Cost Comparison Report
Check out how much you can save when switching
to Away Digital Teams' talented staff in Vietnam.
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Ben Ross
Co-Founder - Propel Ventures
“I took the first opportunity I could to go over and actually see and meet the teams and understand the environment and that’s where I met the people that are managing the operations on the ground there. And I was really impressed with those people in addition to the people that we’ve got on our team. But seeing the environment that they’re working in and seeing the leadership that are on the ground. That was probably the main difference that makes me have confidence to recommend.”
Greg Leibowitz
Director & Co-Founder - Rendr
“Working with them [Away Digital Teams], it’s been seamless. Their English is amazing. They actually understand the problems that we solve and it’s not like we’re just saying, ‘go and do this’, but they’re getting involved in the business day-to-day and actually understanding what we’re trying to achieve and the goals that we’re setting out to do here at Rendr.”
Dean Mohr
Managing Director - My Occ Health Record
“…we trialled an overseas team several years ago, but we actually weren’t ready to manage them from Australia, which is a complex task and to be honest since the day we started dealing with Away Teams it’s been nothing but a good experience… We’re finding that the calibre of candidates coming out of Vietnam seem to be exceptional. There’s a great culture that Away Teams are building in Vietnam. We’re all about culture in this organisation and you see it happening in Vietnam, it’s nearly like an extension of who we are, and that’s been integral to the success today.”